Dr. Shyamji Rawat, Dr. Vedant Kumar Modi
A 60 years old postmenopausal female with breast cancer presented with complaint of discharge and bleeding per vaginum since. She was a known case of left breast cancer (pT2N0), for which she underwent modified radical mastectomy and completed adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy. During this visit, per vaginum and per speculum examination revealed pedunculated vaginal polyp which bled easily on touch. She underwent polypectomy and specimen was subjected to histopathological examination and immunohistochemical examination. HPR was suggestive of Rhabdomyosarcoma. IHC was suggestive of malignant melanoma and was HMB 45+, MELAN A +, S100 +, Ki 67 was 50-60% whereas it was negative for myogenin, CD34, CK and Desmin. DACARBAZINE based adjuvant chemotherapy regimen was initiated and patients was advised BRAF mutation study, for which she was not willing. Patient was given 6 cycle of Adjuvant Dacarbazine 200 mg/m2. Patient showed no sign of disease recurrence.
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